Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Of SPM 2012

Dear Friends,

I once came accross a television program, can't remember the title but it's a program where a low income aerner will be chosen and sponsored to perform an "umrah" in Makkah.

If I can still remember it right, he's a father of three sons working as a farmer in rural area in Kedah. During he's televised interview, he oftenly quoted that his child's education is very important and seems very passionate when it comes to education.

When asked what did he asked during his prayer in front of Ka'abah, his answer is "Saya sebenarnya malu nak mintak kepada Allah supaya anak saya jadi seorang doktor atau jurutera. Jadi, saya hanya minta agar anak saya menjadi seorang anak yang soleh dan berguna kepada manusia yang lain".

Folks, that's what education is all about. To churn and mould children to acquire knowledge for them to be better equipped to contribute to the overall society and a better world.