Monday, October 29, 2012

Economy: The Case of Malaysia

Salam Semua, 

Malaysia has benefited so much from the Foreign Direct Investment (FDIs). The capital market grown, talents created, and entrepreneurship flourished during those years FDIs grows in Malaysia. During the 70s, foreign companies flocking to Malaysia because of our labour. FDIs had poured to Malaysia as a result of our abundant and cheap labour. In fact, the multinational companies did not only come to Malaysia, they are looking at the whole of eastern hemisphere of the world due to economic shift in the western hemisphere of the world. The economy in the US and the European countries during that time are shifting from production-based economy towards a  knowledge-based economy. Their labour cost started to increase and hence, they are shifting their production arm to Asian countries (including Malaysia) and retaining the R&D and other value-creation activities in their home soil.

In other words, the reasons why these transnationals and multinationals are coming to Malaysia are purely sustainable – labour. Along the years, we have grown and certain policies are taken to further attract FDIs. We offered grants, exemptions from taxes, customs facilitation and other fiscal incentives. These are actually considered by those multinational companies as sides promotions. The main reasons why these companies came and still in and to Malaysia are purely fundamental – competitive labour cost. We are not ready in terms of our workforce and infrastructure to fully transform to an independent knowledge-based economy. We are still considered to be “a low labour cost nation” (with tireless and positive effort to transform the economy). But, it is weird to see how our approach has changed throughout the years. We are shifting our approach from focusing on the fundamentals of the economy (labour, entrepreneurship, capital and land) to weightening towards incentives-centric approach. We started to think that a company will invest in Malaysia if we can offer a better incentive than our neighbouring countries. This is indeed a dangerous approach. Dangerous in the sense that the approach is not sustainable. If those policy makers in Putrajaya started to believe in this approach, our resources will be funded to fulfil this mantra, instead on focusing on the fundamentals of the economy (the real reason why transnational companies come to invest) such as the education sector, logistics, and the reliability of the utility services.

Let us take Singapore as our example. Foreign companies started to flock to Singapore during the 70s for the same reason as ours – cheap labour. But Singaporeans are smart, they started investing heavily in the fundamentals – education, knowledge worker, infrastructure, logistic facilities, etc. NUS is one of the best university in Asia (and stood steadily among the best business schools in the world). And now, their GDP per capita is about 50k USD (as compared to Malaysia around USD 10k), one of the highest in the world. Actually there is no rocket science in the success of Singapore, no magic approach and no secret recipe. They just take the right approach and take the right decision. They liberalized their immigration procedures to welcome world class talents (just look at their football team for closest example). They align their approach on the basis of meritocracy, promoting only the best. They practice integrity as their daily culture. There are no secret arrangement with the US or Israel. It is just plainly sustainable approach.

So where should we head from here?

The approach need to be changed. We should rely less on our fiscal incentive to attract foreign investors. Focus should be given to other areas, such as easiness of doing/starting business particularly reforms in the public sector. Efficiencies of public sector can be main determinant of attracting foreign investors.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Subject: Economy

Dear My Dearest friends,

If I can still remember it right, I started to fall in love with the subject of Economy shortly after (yes, it's after) I've finished my MBA. After graduating, as most of you probably had experienced, I have loads of free time to do my reading. And the topic of interest for my readings has always been politics and history. And I was amazed to find out that, everything that had happened or will happen, has everything to do with economy! I later find out that economy actually is not just about money and investments or certain curve (huh, boring), but it is about endeavor for the prosperity of human kind. How novel is that!

If I can defined economy, I would define it as the techniques of allocating resources in the most efficient and effective ways. Economy is all about how do you allocate your resources so that your community can grow and live happy ever after. And by resources here, I mean the 4 basic resources a man can possessed: human toil, land, capital, and entrepreneurship.

My blog readers,
Why do certain places/nations prosper and others not so lucky? It is because there trades happening in those prosperous places/nations. People prospers because they can trade those four resources each other. Why do Industrial revolutions occured in west Europe in the 18th century? Industrial revolutions started when people in the English soil started to trade between them as a result of rocketing of population booming during that time. Englishmen has extra human to be used its toil to produce more foods and there are surplus of foods in every harvesting season. So, they are using these surplus foods to trade among them. After awhile, trade started to grow and human started to wanted more goods so they trade with more far away places.

Where do people trade? People trade in a place we called "market". A market is a place where peple trade sell/buy things. A market is an important components in the subject of economy.

So what do we have to do to encourage trades in our places/markets? The objective of any government is to produce a condusive environment for trade to prosper. That is the main objective of any government in this world. Yes, they can makes rules and regulations, but the rules must be created to govern a market so that they market can grow. Government should not get involved or object the needs of a market.

If you all can still remember, one of the four resources in economics is "entrepreneurship". Entrepreneur is a man that take the initiatves to do trade. Entrepreneur is a very important profesion in the study of economy because he create value by trading. Entrepreneur can built a market in its own. In our moder era.entrepreneur is very important to built a strong domestic market.

Nowadays, the subject of economy has evolved into a very sophisticated subject. But the basic prinsiples remain. The most important things is the efficiencies of the market to allocate resources. So, any hinderence should be avoided. Subsidies is very poisonous to this efficiencies mantra. Goverment intervention in contrast with the direction of the market can also distort the efficiency.

Tha is why liberal economic approach is very important. And that is why, integrity is very important. A liberal approach and de-regulations brings the best resources to where its due. This is what we called "market mechanism". Integrity ensures distortion to the efficiencies are eliminated.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Polemik Tahalluf Siasi

Teman-teman pembaca blog saya,
Nampaknya isu tahalluf siasi kembali bertaut di hati pengikut-pengikut setia perkembangan politik Negara kita. Dan agak terkejut juga saya menyaksikan rupa-rupanya ramai juga pendokong PAS dalam senyap masih menyimpan keinginan agar Pas dan UMNO bersatu dalam UG. Justifikasi mereka ini pelbagai, antaranya yang boleh saya senaraikan adalah:
1.       Seburuk-buruk UMNO, mereka masih  muslim, dan sebaik-baik DAP, mereka  adalah non-musim

2.       PAS bukan parti politik semata-mata, tapi PAS adalah dai’e. Jangan melihat PAS dari kacamata politik. Tugas utama PAS adalah mentarbiyah dan mendakwah. Oleh itu jalan paling baik untuk berdakwah adalah “mendatangi mereka dengan halus dan lembut”, bukan dengan cara bermusuh dengan keras sebagaiamana sekarang.

3.       Setelah era Ustaz Nasyarudin, PAS kelihatan telah tersasar peranannya sebagai sebua Gerakan Islam. Apa yang PAS inginkan kini hayalah kuasa dan ketamakan. PAS telah diresapi oleh mereka yang haya mahukan UMNO dikalahkan kerana dedam kesumat lama. Pas telah beralih dari peranannya seagai pendakwah dan penegur pemerintah.

Sahabat-sahabat pembaca blog sekalian,

Bersaksilah bahawa Pas tidak pernah mengalihkan pandangannya daripada peranan dakwah yang dibebani di atas bahunya. Buktinya? Jikalah Pas ini sudah teralih arah, PAS sudah pasti akan berkubur dengan sendirinya. PAS telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1951 (?). Terdapat bayak lagi parti-parti lain yang ditubuhkan sezaman atau selepas PAS. Kita ada HAMIM, Berjasa, Semangat 46, Parti Keadilan Nasional, dan entah berates-ratus lagi parti serpihan yang lain. Tapi kesemua mereka telah lama terkubur. Terkubur dengan sendirinya. Tapi PAS tidak mati. Dah banyak kali kalah, disepak, diterajang, jatuh ditimpa tangga, PAS teap hidup subur tak mati-mati. Mengapa? Kerana dasar Islam PAS. Kerana PAS kekal dengan dasar Islamnya. erana itulah APS masih hidup hingga ke hari ini. 

Baiklah, kini saya akan cuba menjawa hujjah-hujjah penyokong UG di atas:

Hujjah Pertama: UMNo muslim, DAP tak muslim
Sebenarnya, UMNO dan DAP sama sahaja. Kedua-duanya adalah sama taraf. Kedua-duanya menolak Islam sebagai Ad-Din dan Ad-Daulah. Sama taraf. Cuma, berkebetulan UMNO itu mengucap dua kalimah syahadah dan DAP tidak mengucap. Itu sahaja bezanya. Yang lain-lain semuanya sama. Cara hidup mereka sama. Y. hg. Dato’ Chua Soi Lek taknak Hudud, Y Bhg. Tun juga takna Hudud. Y. Bhg. dato' Samy Vellu inginkan hiburan hodenistik, Y. Bhg. Dato' UMNO juga inginkan hiburan hedonistik. Y. Bhg. Dato' Gerakan ingin sistem pendidikan menyeluruh berteraskan sistem pendidikan barat, Y. Bhg. Dato' UMNO juga begitu menolak sistem pendidikan Islam sebagai penyelsai permasalahan manusia. Sama.

Mereka sama-sama menolak penubuhan sebuah Negara Islam berdasarkan acuan hidup Islam. Seorang menolak disebabkan idelogi demokrasinya (MCA) dan seorang lagi menolak kerana idelogi Nasonalisme kebangsaannya (UMNO).

Jadi hujjah bahawa UMNO adalah lebih baik dari DAP adalah tidak benar. Sebenarnya UMNO dan DAP adalah sama taraf sahaja.

Hujjah Kedua: PAS kena jadi parti dakwah, bukan parti politik yang tamakkan kuasa di putrajaya
Sebenarnya hujjah ini sangat dangkal. Dangkal kerana mereka yang berhujjah sebegini sebenarnya adalah orang yang buta sejarah. PAS ditubuhkan pada tahun 1951 (?) dan UMNO pada 1946. PAS dan UMNO ni ibarat dua rakan sekampung yang saling kenal mengenali antara satu sama lain. Mereka hidup bersama dah lama dah. Kenal sangat perangai masing-masing. Mereka berdua dah lalui segala-galanya bersama, selama separuh abad. Di sini saya coretkan sedikit peralanan sejarah PAS mendekati UMNO:

1950an – PAS mengambil pendekatan dakwah secara bersahabat dan menyantuni, senyum, ramah, menegur secara berhemah dan lembut. Pada ketika ini ada ramai ahli Pas yang pada masa yang pada masa yang sama menjadi ahli UMNO. Dwi keahlian banyak terjadi pada zaman ni. PAS mendekati UMO secara sangat lembut ibarat seorag adik yang sayang kepada abangnya.

1960an – Menyedari kedegilan yag begitu ta’asub dengan idelogi nasionalisme kebangsaannya, Pas mengambil pebdekatan berkeras kali ini. Menyanggah, membagkah, membantah, mengeluarka fatwa kafir dan sebagainya. PAS mengambil pendekata seumpama seorang guru disiplin memegang rotan kai ini.

1970an – menyedari teknik keras masih gagal menyedakan UMNO, PAS menukar strategi dakwah. PAS cuba mask ke dalam UMNO dan mendakwahi dari dalam kali ini. Pada tahun-tahun ini, PAS meyertai BN dan cuba membuat perobahan dari dalam.

1980an- Skelai lagi PAS gagal melalui pendekatan menyerai BN. Lalu PAS kembali dengan kaedah dakwah secara kerasnya. Pas memberi fatwa, Pas memarahi, PAS bermusuh dengan UMNO sempama seorag sahabat yang putus asa dengan kedegilan sahabat baiknya yang masih mahu kekal dengan kejahatan.

1990an- PAS menukar strategi lagi sekali. Kali ini Pas mengambil pendekatan mendamaikan. Pas beralah, PAS cuba mengambil apa sahaja platform ke arah penyatuan bagsa melatyu. Presiden Pas ketika itu, Ustaz Fadzil Noor merupakan sahabat baik Saudara ANwa Ibrahim (Timbalan Presiden UMNO ketika itu). PAS duduk di platform yang sama dengan UMNO dalam majlis Palestin. Ustaz Nik Aziz memuji pendirian Y. Bhg. Tun Mahathir dalam isu zionis dan sebagainya. PAS mencadangkan agar satu muzakarah diadakan ke arah penyatuan umat melayu, namun ditolak UMNO.

2000an- UMNO masih berkeras. PAS hilang usaha dan daya. Kali ini PAS cuba meneroka peluang dakwah baru dala arena yang lebih luas kepada non-musli. Pluang it hadir bersama PKR dan Saudara Anwar Ibrahim. Salahkah PAS?

Pas dah cuba – cara lembut, cara halus, cara masuk join ke dalam, cara keras, cara kasar – semuanya dah cuba.

Hujjah Ketiga: PAS dah berubah selepas era Ustaz Nasya

Hujjah di atas adalah hujjah seorang ahli Tabligh yang tidak cekap dalam arena politik yang hanya mengenali dakwah dalam ertikata yang sangat sempit.

Ustaz Nasya bagi saya gagal memahami situasi cabaran dakwah semasa yang dihadapi oleh Islam (bukan PAS tau, tapi Islam secara keseluruhan). Dulu, pada tahun-tahun 1950an-1980an, landskap dakwah adalah berbeza. Ketika itu, audiens dakwah Gerakan islam di Malaysia hanya berkisar sekitar orang melayu sahaja, itupun melayu di kampong-kapung semata-mata. Pada masa ini, kaedah dakwah PAS senang sahaja. Arak haram kata PAS, kita nak tutup kilang arak. Kelab malam haram kata PAS, kita na bakar kelab malam di KL. Senang dan tiada konflik. Namun, situasi berubah pada zaman tahun-tahun 1990an dan 2000an. Terdapat sekeompok kecil golongan non-muslim di Kelantan mula minat dengan PAS. Di tambah dengan kemenangan beraya PAS, PKR dan DAP pada PRU 2008 dan penubuhan PR, golongan non-mulim mula berputik rasa ingin memandang PAS. Hubungan Pas dengan cinamula intim. PAS melihat opeluag dakwa yang sangat besar di sini. Dan kita suda bercakap tentang alangkah beruntungnya Islam jika cinadapat diislamkan, banyak yang suda dibincangkan.

Jadi pendekatan dakwah harus berubah. Ianya tak semudah ABC sepertimana yang PAS alami sebelum ini. Audiens PAS kini bukan hanya golongan melayu kampong, tapi juga golongan professional melayu, teknokrat melayu, non-muslim dan pelbagai. Pendekatan yang “sehaluan” seperti dulu sudah ta sesuai lagi. Masyarakat sivil juga mula terlibat dalam arena politik melalui pelbagai kumpulan pendesak, NGO dan badan-badan lain.