Saya punyai soerang kenalan. Namanya Shahnan. Shahnan
bergraduasi dari Universiti of Al-Bayt, Jordan dalam jurusan usuluddin. Setahu
saya, Shahnan adalah seorang yang sangat Soleh. Beliau seumur hiduonya selepas
baligh, tidak pernah meninggalkan walau satu waktupun solat berjamaah. Berpuasa
Isnin Khamis sudah menjadi amalan hariannya sejak bertahun dulu. Dan
berqiyamullail dan berusrah merupakan 2 aktiviti lazim yang diwajibkan bagi
dirinya. Dan beliau adalah soerang PENYOKONG UMNO TEGAR!
Saya juga kenal akan seorang imam tua di masjid di kawasan
saya. Orangnya lembut, halus, akhlaknya mengikut sunnah, saya tak pernah
mendengarnya bercakap perkara sia-sia dan mencemuh sesiapa. Orangnya terlalu
baik, lurus, ustaz dari Mesir. Agak berumur dan menjawat jawatan sebagai Imam
Tua di masjid tempat saya. Dan beliau adalah PENYOKONG UMNO TEGAR!
Sahabat-sahabat sekalian,
Saya yakin, sahabat-sahabat juga pasti mempunyai pengalaman
yang hampir serupa dengan saya. Fenomena
orang UMNO yang wara’ bukanlah perkara asing bagi kita, walaupun tak
kerap kita ketemui. Mengapakah ini boleh terjadi?
Betullah, sesungguhnya kejahilan itu adalah musuh bagi
Islam. Semasa revolusi Iran pada tahun 1970an dulu, ramai para ustaz,
terutamanya yang muda muda terasa bersemangat untuk turut sama bangkit
menentang fahaman secular dan nasionalis yang melanda seluruh Negara Islam di
seluruh dunia pada ketika itu. Pada masa inilah juga banyak Gerakan Islam
di”rejuvenate” prinsip perjuangan mereka, termasuklah PAS. Tapi pada masa yang
sama, terdapat juga segolongan ustaz dan asatizah yang berfikiran “TAk
apalaaah, buat apa nak bangkit dan menimbulkan kacau bilau? Kita kan dan
merdeka, kita boleh beribadah dengan tenang, aman. Masjid dah dibina oleh
pemerintah, apa lagi yang Islam mahu? Tidak cukupkah Islam dengan masjid, PPZ,
Tabung Haji dan Perkim? Apa lagi yang Islam mahu?” begitulah kata-kata mereka.
Ustaz-ustaz feqah ini melaung-laungkan hadis-hadis berkenaan hukum memberontak,
hokum tidak mematuhi pemimpin dan sebagainya untuk menguatkan hujjah mereka.
Sesungguhnya para ustaz tersebut tidak memahami mengapa
Islam perlu bangkit dari status quo di bawah cengkaman ideology nasionalisme
kebangsaan. Ustaz sebegini biasanya amat mahir dengan feqah harian, tapi gagal
untuk memahami ilmu siasah dalam Islam, memelihara kedudukan strategic Islam
sebagai pemerintah utama.
Sebab itulah saya merasakan
system pendidilkan kita pelru diubah. Ya, pembelajaran tentang feqah
amat penting, itu tidak dinafikan. Tapi, pada masa yang sama, anak-anak juga
perlu didedahkan tentang ilmu siasah Islam. Jika ilmu feqah mengajar tentang hokum
(halal, haram, harus, makruh, sunat), ilmu siasah pula akan mengajar wisdom
untuk untuk umat ini bagi menjaga Islam.
Umat kini tenggelam dan larut di dalam arus nasionalisme.
Ya, kita begitu menjaga tatasusila dan adab-adab halal haram. Ya, kita amat particular
dalam menjaga samada sah atau tidak wudu’, hokum hakam ugama. Tapi kita lalai
dalam menjaga kelangsungan ugama pada abad ini. Kita tenggelam di dalam arus
nasionalisme. Cara hidup kita bukan cara hidup Islam, tapi cara hidup yang
disadur dengan fahaman sekularisme.
Kedua-dua orang ustaz yang saya sebutkan di atas, bagi saya
adalah orang yang baik. Cuma mereka mementingkan perihal perkara kecil
berbanding perkara besar. Ya, hokum hakam penting, tapi Islam sedang ditawan
oleh nasionalisme kebangsaan secara halus. Islam mengikut telunjuk nasionalisme
kebangsaan. Islam diperintah oleh Nasionalisme dan bukan memerintah
Satu masa dulu di Tanah Melayu, iaitu di Terengganu dan
Melaka, Islam pernah memerintah. Hasilnya, negeri tersebut aman makmur, maju
dari segi ekonomi sehingga menjadi pusat pelaburan utama dunia. Kemudian Tanah
Melayu dijajah. Penjajahan tersebut sebenarnya bukan hanya berbentuk fizikal
dan mentality, tapi juga merangkumi aspek kerohanian kita. Kita diperkenalkan
dengan cara hidup baru. Sistem social berasaskan “benda” mula diperkenalkan.
Dalam aspek system social, anak gadis diajar agar tak mengapa kahwin dengan
bukan orang ugama asalkan duitnya cukp untuk disara hidup hingga ke mati. Dalam
aspek system pendidikan, ibu bapa diajar bahawa sains lebih penting dari ugama
kerana sains akan menjana duit dan kedudukan. Dalam aspek system ekonomi,
golongan pekerja diajar duit adalah objektif utama, bukan kesejahteraan dan
kualiti. Hasilnya, Islam beroperasi di dalam system yang aneh ini. Islam telah
dipaksa untuk menyesuaikan diri dalam system hidup yang asing ini. Dan
ustaz-ustaz sebeginilah yang mempertahankan Islam yang “asing” ini. Malang
Tiba-tiba, dating Gerakan Islam untuk mempertahankan Islam.
Gerakan Islam ini datang bukan untuk memenangkan Islam dalam system hidup yang
sedia ada, tapi untuk menukar kesemua sekali system hidup yang ada ini
digantikan dengan system hidup asal Islam. Iaitu system hidup yang berasaskan
norma dan nilai Islam, sepertimana di zaman rasulullah s.a.w dulu. Sistem hidup
ini akan menjaga manusia, menjaga nafsu manusia, menjaga sifat tamak manusia,
menghasilkan yang terbaik dari setiap manusia, mengeluarkan pitensi diri setiap
manusia, manambah nilai masyarakat (dari segi materialnya dan juga rohaninya),
dan akhirnya menjadi umat yang terbaik untuk manusia.
Malang sekali, dalam menghadapi tugasan yang sangat berat
ini, Gerakan islam disibukkan pula dengan serangan oleh ahli ugama sendiri,
iaitu para ustaz tadi. Dahla satu hal nak lawan Gerakan Nasionalisme
kebangsaan, geng ustaz pula datang membuat serangan. Kiri kanan Gerakan Islam
diserang. Kesian.
Tidak dinafikan Terengganu dan Melaka sudah lama menerima Islam. Tetapi sedarkah saudara, mengapa kerajaan yg begitu aman dan makmur dengan sewenangnya dijajah oleh kuasa kafir? Itu sudah membuktikan kelemahan orang Islam di zaman itu.
ReplyDeleteApakah salahnya mendalami ilmu sains, hisab dll jika itulah pendekatan hidup? Salahkah Ibnu Sinnar, Al-Khorizmi dll pemikir Islam dahulu membaktikan diri dalam ilmu duniawi?
Masalah gerakan Islam ini ialah kegagalan mereka mendalami ilmu dan tidak fasih Hadith.
Abu Yaala Shaddad bin Aws said that the messenger of Allah said :
"Verily Allah has prescribed proficiency in all things. Thus, if you kill, kill well; and if you slaughter, slaughter well. Let each one of you sharpen his blade and let him spare suffering to the animal he slaughters."
related by Muslim.
They dont realise the ramifications of some of their actions (that's the "let him spare suffering to the animal he slaughters" part).
To cite an example, there is yet to be a successful prosecution for a couple who commit zina. Yes, there are hadith of couples being sentenced out of their own volition, even one where the lewdless couple ran away in the middle of sentencing, but none where the couple are caught, tried and sentenced. The requirement for a successful prosecution necessitates the 4 witnesses viewing the act, akin to "putting a ring on a finger", failure of which will result in Qazaf. Considering this, would that make the ummah fear zina or will we create a situation where zina is rife and out of control? Who would dare to even accuse anyone of zina under Hudud?
You truly miss my point here, dear brother.
ReplyDeleteWhen you thought of Islam, it should reflects a young guy, graduated from Wharton Business School, now working in a Fortune 500 companies and earning six figures a month. That should be associated to Islam!!!!
Islam should no more solely been associated to a local guy from Ketereh Kelantan, graduated from Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, wearing ketayap all the time, malu-malu kucing, a cliche of an image of an ustaz. We should disassociate ourseleve from this picture.
Islam is London, Paris, New York and not Mesir, Jordan, or Pakistan.
Its a disgrace when we talk of Islam, we apparently assiciated ourselves with Pakistan or Afghanistan.
firstly, your rebuttal makes no sense and is truly off the topic of discussion.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, there isn't a single argument from you rebutting the truth about the consequences of zina under hudud.
Thirdly, I believe that I raised the point that there isn't anything wrong with delving into material knowledge.
Please address my concern on zina.
Dear Brother,
ReplyDeleteYou are pointing that Hudud is not practical under current circumstances, a similar argument which was made by Y.Bhg. Tun M. Nevermind, i'll not accusing you of being a kafir by questioning the effectiveness and practicality of Hudud, as Islam is spread through knowledge and deeds, not trough judgment and accusations. Its very OK to question things as Islam has answer to every question. See, how beautiful knowledge being handled in Islam.
Dear Brother,
When we talk on Islam, please remind yourself not to talk about one system of Islam in isolation with other islamic systems. This premise is so crucial in understanding how Islam create order in any society. You need to understand that Hudud is just one tiny system in a model which consiste of many other systems of life. The model is called "Islamic State".
And these systems collaborates with other systems to guard ourselves from nasf and Syaitan. That's how it works.
The most important systems in Islam is Education System and Economic Systems, whereas the last hurdle is the Islamic Legislation System (in which Hudud is part of it). Its like a football team. Who'll do the defence? Is it solely the responsibility of defenders (Hudud)? No! Defending is a team efforts. Nowadays they have zonal marking where everybody is considered to be a defender.
Relatively Nobody was found guilty during the Madinah days because all of these systems is working and implemented. So, there's not much work for the back four defenders (Hudud)as the defending work from nafs and Syaitan was done even through the strikers (Sistem Pendidikan dan Ekonomi Islam).
ReplyDeleteIslam has no grudge or problem whatsoever in us venturing into material knowledge. Me myself was train as an accountant.
Majority of Ikhwan leaders are doctors and engineers by profession.
u don't seem to understand the statement or simply cannot answer with specific details. The main reason I decline to debate.
ReplyDeleteI simply brought up some actual facts and your rebuttal is complete nonsense. The reason no zina was ever prosecuted during the early days was there was no accuser.
Secondly, thank u for acknowledging my point. Hudud is a minute aspect in Islam and ranks last in implementation.
Third, you have yet to address my concern. To expound, say in a hypothetical situation, hudud is implemented and a wife has relations with another man. U have surveillance video but no 4 credible witness seeing the act 'like putting a ring on the finger'. Does the perpetrators get away with it? Yes or no?
Read my lips.
DeleteThe reason no zina was ever prosecuted not because there was no accuser, but because the was no offender? Why there was no offender? Because everybdy is abide by Islam!
No! Surveillance video cant be used as a legal proof in Islam. The wife will be acquitted.
You are pointing that Islam is not practical as there WILL NEVER BE anybody prosecuted under zina because there WILL NEVER BE anybody who will actually see the finger entered the ring.
Are you saying Islam is unrealistic by specifying there must be a witness that actually saw the finger and the ring?
The burden for the accuser is very big because the prosecution is very harsh - stoned to death!
Hudud is not like a hungry lion - searching for victim's blood rigorously. No! Hudud is like a mother - tried it level best to acquit, and search for any possible reason so that the accused could be released.
Even Nabi bebaskan pesalah perempuan yang mengaku berzina dengan berkata "Kalaulah dia lari dari aku, nescaya aku akan bebaskan dia dari Hudud" maknanya, kalaulah dia lari. LARI. Bukti dah ada, saksi dah ada, malah dia pun mengaku, tapi Nabi tetap akan bebaskan dia sekiranya dia lari. MasyaAllah, indahnya Hudud.
We have always to bear in mind that the concept of Hudud is to scares and gave a lesson and not to punish for the sake of punishing.
So basically ur saying that everyone can engage in illicit sex because the burden of proof is so heavy and no 4 witnesses see the actual act. Nobody will ever be accused of zina, much less prosecuted. Right? How very just.
DeleteIts is too childish that its no longer funny. Nobody did zina? Please don't make statements without reasonable facts. The fact there were those who confess proves how wrong you are.
Now, another aspect of hudud is the discretionary release. How do u propose to implement that in today's system? Someone like Karpal will argue that even in the Quran says they can be released without punishment. How does that deter people from doing wrong or oppressing?
I've said it before, I'll say it again. Go and learn, then seek enlightenment. You still lack proficiency.
DeleteThe very system that you are so critically questioning and critisizing is the one that called Hudud. The burden of proof is on the accuser, yes. That's the fact whether you Ok or not with it.
Hey Shahnan, lets take a reconcialiation stand here, can we?
"We both agreed and will fought for Hudud (and other Islamic Systems of life) to be implemented and will leave the technicalities to the Islamic legislators"
can we agreed on this one? Lets put PAS/UMNO aside. Consider ourselves as a muslim. Can we agree that both of us will fight to end to make sure that Islamic Legislation to be implemented?
Islam is far more comprehensive than a football team. The goal of Islam is to bring the Ummah to Jannah. You get only 1 life, therefore only 1 try. It requires consistency, practice and knowledge. It is your heart, your mind, your ability and your effort that will be judged.
ReplyDeleteLegislation, education, economics are all policy issues that the Leadership will have to answer for. It is far beyond your meager ability. Creating division within the Ummah only leads to Hellfire.
I am still waiting to see your responses, hoping that there will be some semblance of basis and fact.
"Islam is far more COMPREHENSIVE than a football team" -i found that sentence to be very peculiar and irony, considered it cames from you. Tell me, what do YOU know about comprehensivenss/kesyumulan of Islam, when you yourself are championing the civil law a head of Islamic law - western entertainment ahead of islamic entertainment - western pedagogy ahead of Islamic education? COMPREHENSIVENESS konon....
ReplyDeleteWhy Islam shouldn't have a say in legislation, economics, education? Owh, maybe Islam has a meager ability eh?
Islam is a way of life, a comprehensive and integrated religion.
Islam is not at fault for the divisions within ummah, but nationalism is!
where did I ever say that western systems are better? That is ur ASSumption based on ur meager understanding. A FITNAH.
DeleteAll I've questioned of you, is what is ur definition of Islamic systems. A question you have yet to answer in detail until now.
Islam already has an influence in economics, education and society in Malaysia. You are the one who disputes this fact which I've discussed at length on twitter with you.
The fact you are unable to respond beyond feeble attempts at disparaging me is nothing short of pathetic. Proves how little you know of Islam.
And finally, it is not nationalism that divides the ummah but partisan, democracy and even Mazhabs that divides the ummah. Pathetic that someone who claims to speak of Islam doesn't know this. It is nationalism that tries to unite the people in the country. Unity, the backbone of Islam.
Islam does not want to have an influence! Islam want to lead, and others follows.
DeleteIslam wants its system to be the mainstream and others to be the alternative.
I'm preparaing a writing on Islamic System of life and will be posting it soon. Lets have a healthy debate and stop any of your ASS umption, old man. Hahaha
"So basically ur saying that everyone can engage in illicit sex because the burden of proof is so heavy and no 4 witnesses see the actual act. Nobody will ever be accused of zina, much less prosecuted. Right? How very just" - Shahnan
Tell me, what's the difference between the current legislation? People are having sex in public area FOR GOD SAKE! and you are nagging on how unjust Hudud are because people can still be acquitted. My goodness me!
haven't you realize what's happening to our children? Having sex out of marriage is considered to be OK - is that justice for you?
Shahnan, before you ctitisizing Hudud, look at your own legislation first!
current legislation does NOT require 4 witnesses. And those caught for khalwat will be given a choice of fine or marriage. Only the issue of enforcement is a problem, as there are more people engaging in zina than there are enforcement officers.
ReplyDeleteIf you make it even harder to enforce these cases, what would you believe will be the consequence of such actions? WIll it increase in number or decrease?
As a father, I am only too well aware of the social problems.
Hudud is meant to be enforced in a more ideal environment. Where the people are more learned and fearful of Allah SWT. Where people who commit adultery actually confess voluntarily. Now we find people who were caught on video of perpetrating a heinous crime openly defy and plead NOT GUILTY. Do you really believe this is a society ready for HUDUD?
Bear in mind, when the situation was not ideal, even Saidina Umar r.a. halted the implementation of Hudud. Can you dispute thses facts?
Lame excuses.
ReplyDeletePracticality, again.
On the issue on Saiyidina Umar halted the implem, w emust be more careful. He halted it bearing in mind that it is Wajib to implement it and with full conciousness of the obligations of Hudud, only the circumstances requires for its POSTPONEMENT.
POSTPONEMENT gives a different conotation than NEVER INTENDED TO. Its two different words with two opposite meaning.